Hacker’s message to Kominfo: STOP BEING AN IDIOT!

Previously, Kominfo asked hackers not to attack them. Because of this request, the hacker's message to Kominfo is...
By Dan
3 Min Read
Hacker's Message To Kominfo Stop Being An Idiot!
Hacker's message to Kominfo: STOP BEING AN IDIOT! | Teknodaim

As we know, previously there has been a data leak at Kominfo, which has been sold on the Breached forum. The hacker’s message to Kominfo is STOP BEING AN IDIOT, cause it sounds silly for them.

The hacker said that because Kominfo had asked him not to attack them and to publish all the data on his server. Of course, the hacker will laugh at this and think it’s a joke.

Hacker Message Stop Being An Idiot

However, Johnny G. Plate, as minister of Indonesia’s Ministry of Telecommunications, actually asked the hacker to desist from the attack “if possible.” But from the message, the hacker has clearly refused and even cursed the minister of Communication and Information.

Hacker’s message to Kominfo is not just a curse

What’s more, the hacker’s message was not just a curse, but he said that Kominfo’s security was very weak, therefore he could easily steal the data. Each of the things stolen from Kominfo is the user’s SIM Card data, such as NIK (ID), Email, Cellphone Number and others.

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With the message from the hacker who leaked more than 1.3 billion SIM card data, hopefully Kominfo will be more concerned about their security and take responsibility for this. Moreover, many important data were also leaked by the same person.

Sim Card Illustration
SIM Card Illustration | Voice

In addition, due to the large amount of data leaked in IndonesiaIndonesia, many people say that our country is an Open-Source one, cause our security is so wide-open. In case you are not familiar with it: Open source is a word used for a system that anyone can modify, adopt, or redistribute.

Of course, since Indonesia itself has a security system, the word “open source” is not correct. Given what has happened so far, it is certainly easier for our country, Indonesia, to be infiltrated by hackers, both good and bad. So here’s hoping that in the future, Kominfo and other security agencies focus primarily on protecting public data rather than other things like expanding networks and shutting them down. 5G and the shutdown of the 3G network.

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