Perbandingan iPhone 13 Vs iPhone 11, Haruskah Kamu Upgrade?

Buat yang bertanya-tanya apakah harus upgrade ke iPhone terbaru, simak perbandingan spesifikasi iPhone 11 Vs iPhone 13 berikut ini.
By Lam
11 Min Read
Iphone 11 Vs Iphone 13 Mana Lebih Efektif
Iphone 11 Vs Iphone 13 Mana Lebih Efektif

Semenjak Apple rilis iPhone 13, pembahasan dan minat orang tentang iPhone 11 menjadi berkurang bahkan harganya sendiri kini juga ikut menurun. Nah pertanyaannya apakah worth-it atau harus kita melakukan upgrade ke iPhone versi terbaru? Untuk itulah kamu perlu mengetahui perbandingan spesifikasi antara iPhone 11 Vs iPhone 13.

Mulai dari segi desain, layar, performa, fitur dan harga, semuanya akan Teknodaim bandingkan apakah kamu layak untuk upgrade dari iPhone 11 ke iPhone 13 atau tidak.

Spesifikasi iPhone 11

iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11
iPhone 11 | The Verge

Pertama-tama mari kita mulai dulu dari iPhone 11 yang mengusung tampilan layar Liquid Retina IPS LCD berukuran 6,1 inci. Dengan resolusi 828 x 1792 piksel pada aspek yang dilengkapi jenis pelindung Scratch-resistant glass, oleophobic coating dan kecerahan layar 625 nits.

Untuk performa, spesifikasi iPhone 11 menggunakan Chipset Apple A13 Bionic dengan kapasitas RAM 4GB dan memori internal 64/128/256GB. Masih menjalankan sistem operasi iOS 13, namun bisa diupgrade ke iOS 15 versi terbaru.

Pada sektor kamera, punya 2 jenis kamera belakang yang terdiri dari sensor 12MP wide dan 12MP ultra wide. Sementara untuk kamera depan, terdapat sensor 12MP wide dan SL 3D yang tersemat pada area atas layar depan iPhone 11.

LayarJenis: Liquid Retina IPS LCD, 625 nits (typ)

Ukuran: 6.1 inci

Resolusi: 828 x 1792 piksel
ChipsetApple A13 Bionic (7 nm+)
RAM/Internal4/64GB | 4/128GB | 4/256GB
OSiOS 13, upgradable to iOS 15
Kamera Belakang12 MP, f/1.8, 26mm (wide), 1/2.55″, 1.4µm, dual pixel PDAF, OIS

12 MP, f/2.4, 120˚, 13mm (ultrawide), 1/3.6″
Kamera Depan12 MP, f/2.2, 23mm (wide), 1/3.6″

SL 3D, (depth/biometrics sensor)
BateraiLi-Ion 3110 mAh, non-removable
ChargerFast charging 18 Watt, 50% in 30 menit

USB Power Delivery 2.0

Qi wireless charging
WarnaBlack, Green, Yellow, Purple, Red dan White

Spesifikasi iPhone 13

iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11
iPhone 13 | CNET

Selanjutnya iPhone 13, ponsel ini memiliki tampilan layar Super Retina XDR OLED berukuran 6,1 inci dengan resolusi 1170 x 2532. Dilengkapi jenis pelindung Scratch-resistant ceramic glass, oleophobic coating dan kecerahan layar 1200 nits.

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Dalam hal performa, spesifikasi iPhone 13 menggunakan Chipset Apple A15 Bionic dengan kapasitas RAM 4GB dan memori internal 128/256/512GB. Serta sudah menjalankan sistem operasi iOS 15.

Punya 2 jenis kamera belakang yang terdiri dari sensor 12MP wide dan 12MP ultra wide. Lalu kamera depan, terdapat sensor 12MP wide dan SL 3D yang tersemat pada area atas layar depan iPhone 13.

LayarJenis: Super Retina XDR OLED, HDR10, Dolby Vision, 800 nits (typ), 1200 nits

Ukuran: 6.1 inci

Resolusi: 1170 x 2532 piksel
ChipsetApple A13 Bionic (7 nm+)
RAM/Internal4/64GB | 4/128GB | 4/256GB
OSiOS 13, upgradable to iOS 15
Kamera Belakang12 MP, f/1.6, 26mm (wide), 1.7µm, dual pixel PDAF, sensor-shift OIS

12 MP, f/2.4, 120˚, 13mm (ultrawide)
Kamera Depan12 MP, f/2.2, 23mm (wide), 1/3.6″

SL 3D, (depth/biometrics sensor)
BateraiLi-Ion 3240 mAh, non-removable
ChargerFast charging 20 Watt, 50% in 30 menit

USB Power Delivery 2.0

MagSafe wireless charging 15 Watt

Qi magnetic fast wireless charging 7.5 Watt
WarnaStarlight, Midnight, Blue, Pink dan Red

Perbandingan iPhone 11 Vs iPhone 13

Nah berikutnya kita akan membandingkan antara keduanya apakah kira-kira woth-it bagi kamu yang ingin melakukan upgrade ke iPhone 13.

1. Desain

iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11
iPhone 13 Desain| Apple

Dari segi tampilan desain, iPhone 13 mempunyai banyak perbedaan jika dibandingkan dengan iPhone 11. Salah satu yang paling terlihat ialah ukuran bodinya, spesifikasi iPhone 13 hadir dengan ukuran bodi yang lebih kecil yaitu 146.7 x 71.5 x 7.7 mm. Sementara spesifikasi bodi iPhone 11 tergolong lebih besar 150.9 x 75.7 x 8.3 mm.

BACA JUGA:  Setelah Google, Apple Juga Suruh 12.000 Lebih Pegawainya Kerja di Rumah!

Kemudian soal bobot, iPhone 13 bisa dibilang lebih ringan dengan berat 174 gram sedangkan iPhone 11 punya berat 194 gram. Jadi iPhone 13 lebih mudah untuk dibawa kemana-mana.

Soal warna, iPhone 11 hadir dalam 5 pilihan warna yaitu Black, Green, Yellow, Purple, Red dan White. Lalu iPhone 13 juga punya 5 pilihan warna berbeda yaitu Starlight, Midnight, Blue, Pink dan Red

2. Layar

iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11
iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11 Layar | Moneycontrol

Tampilan layar iPhone 13 memang terlihat lebih menjanjikan mulai dari jenis panel Super Retina XDR OLED, resolusi 1170 x 2532 piksel dan kecerahan layar 800 nits miliknya.

Jika kita bandingkan dengan iPhone 11 yang menggunakan jenis panel Liquid Retina IPS LCD resolusi 828 x 1792 piksel dan kecerahan layar 625. Maka terlihat jelas perbedaan utama antara keduanya kalau soal tampilan layar.

Meski begitu, perlu kamu ketahui bahwa ukuran layar dan jenis perlindungan kedua iPhone ini tetap sama. Apalagi keduanya juga masih sama-sama mendukung refresh rate layar standar 60 Hz.

3. Kamera

iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11
iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11 Kamera |

Perbandingan iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11 selanjutnya terletak pada bagian kamera. Nah disinilah perbedaan antara keduanya sangat terlihat yang mana iPhone 13 sangat unggul kalau soal kamera.

Soalnya Apple memang menghadirkan iPhone 13 dengan peningkatan signifikan dalam hal kamera. Jadi buat kamu yang ingin upgrade ke iPhone 13 karena kamera, maka hal tersebut akan sangat berguna. Bahkan kamu juga bisa membuat video dengan kualitas layaknya film Hollywood loh jika menggunakan kamera iPhone 13.

Fitur kamera iPhone 13 baru yang paling keren adalah Mode Sinematik, yang secara dinamis mengalihkan fokus dan mengikuti subjek video Anda. Jika subjek bergerak, maka fokus tetap akan ikut kepada subjek tersebut. Hebatnya jika orang dalam kamera melihat ke arah lain maka fokus akan berpindah ke tempat yang dilihat orang tersebut.

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Kualitas video iPhone 13 pun tergolong jauh lebih baik secara keseluruhan soalnya mendukung fitur HDR Dolby Vision untuk warna dan kontras yang cerah.

4. Performa

Apple A15 Bionic
Apple A15 Bionic | Apple

Salah satu keunggulan spesifikasi iPhone 13 lainnya ialah dukungan 5G yang mana hal tersebut tidak dimiliki pada iPhone 11. Jadi buat kamu yang ingin menggunakan dan memanfaatkan Jaringan 5G, maka lebih baik upgrade ke iPhone 13.

Meski begitu, kalau soal performa keduanya terbilang masih sepadan meskipun Chipset Apple A15 Bionic milik iPhone 13 lebih kencang.

Apple A13 Bionic
Apple A13 Bionic | Apple

Namun sebenarnya Chipset Apple A13 Bionic saja sudah cukup kuat untuk melakukan banyak kegiatan. Bahkan untuk bermain game berat seperti PUBG Mobile atau Genshin Impact saja, Chipset ini masih terbilang sangat oke dan stabil.

5. Baterai dan Charger

Baterai dan Charger
Baterai dan Charger | Apple

Soal daya tahan, sebenarnya tidak ada perbandingan yang begitu besar antara iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11. Kapasitas baterai keduanya tidak berbeda jauh mulai dari iPhone 11 dengan baterai 3.110 mAh dan iPhone 13 dengan baterai 3.240 mAh.

Namun terdapat beberapa faktor yang perlu kamu perhatikan yaitu penggunaan konektivitas Jaringan 5G pada iPhone 13. Hal tersebut membuatnya hanya mampu bertahan 10 jam dan 33 menit.

Sedangkan iPhone 11 mampu bertahan selama 11 jam dan 16 menit tetapi pada penggunaan Jaringan 4G.

6. Harga

iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11
iPhone | PCMag

Perbandingan iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11 yang terakhir terletak pada bagian harga yang mana ini bisa jadi penentu untuk upgrade atau tidak.

Mulai dari iPhone 13 dijual dengan harga Rp 11,8 Juta untuk varian terendah dengan kapasitas RAM 4/128GB. Kemudian varian RAM 4/256GB dijual dengan harga lebih tinggi sedikit yaitu Rp 12,8 Juta. Lalu varian tertingginya dengan kapasitas RAM 4/512GB terjual pada harga Rp 15,7 Juta.

Sementara iPhone 11 kini turun harga drastis semenjak masuknya iPhone 12 dan iPhone 13 ke jajaran pasar Gadget. Kamu sekarang bisa membeli iPhone 11 dengan harga lebih murah yaitu Rp 9,9 Juta untuk varian RAM 4/64GB. Lalu varian RAM 4/128GB kini terjual dengan harga Rp 10,4 Juta dan varian tertinggi RAM 4/256GB kini seharga Rp 12,9 Juta.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kamu bisa cek aja langsung pada situs resminya Apple Online Store.

Apakah Worth-it atau Haruskah Upgrade ke iPhone 13?

Teruntuk buat kamu yang pake iPhone cuma buat buka Sosial Media, Chatting, Browsing atau nonton YouTube. Maka jika kamu upgrade ke iPhone 13 untuk hal tersebut maka akan sangat tidak berguna dan tidak rekomended banget.

iPhone 13
iPhone 13 | Gadgetin

Tapi buat kamu yang ingin menggunakan iPhone 13 karena kameranya yang begitu fantastis maka upgrade merupakan pilihan yang tepat.

Teknodaim sarankan buat kamu yang ingin upgrade dari iPhone 11 ke iPhone 13 lebih baik fikir-fikir terlebih dulu. Soalnya iPhone 13 hanya hadir dengan peningkatan yang tidak terlalu signifikan kecuali dalam hal kamera.

Dengan artian kalau soal performa Chipset, layar, baterai dan lain sebagainya itu masih cukup meskipun harga keduanya begitu berbeda.

Semoga pembahasan yang Teknodaim berikan kepada kalian semua kali ini bisa bermanfaat. Kalau ada pertanyaan atau hal lainnya yang ingin kamu sampaikan, bisa tuliskan aja ke kolom komentar yang tersedia.

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iPhone 13 Vs iPhone 11 Comparison, Should You Upgrade?

For those who are wondering whether to upgrade to the latest iPhone, check out the following iPhone 11 Vs iPhone 13 specification comparison.
By Lam
12 Min Read
Iphone 11 Vs Iphone 13 Which is More Effective
Iphone 11 Vs Iphone 13 Which is More Effective

Since Apple released the iPhone 13, people’s discussion and interest in the iPhone 11 has decreased and even the price itself has now also decreased. Now the question is whether it is worth-it or should we upgrade to the latest version of the iPhone? For this reason, you need to know the specification comparison between iPhone 11 Vs iPhone 13.

In terms of design, screen, performance, features and price, Teknodaim will compare whether you should upgrade from iPhone 11 to iPhone 13 or not.

iPhone 11 Specifications

iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11
iPhone 11 | The Verge

Let’s first start with the iPhone 11 which sports a 6.1-inch Liquid Retina IPS LCD display screen. With a resolution of 828 x 1792 pixels on an aspect that features a protective type of Scratch-resistant glass, oleophobic coating and a screen brightness of 625 nits.

For performance, the iPhone 11 specification uses the Apple A13 Bionic Chipset with 4GB RAM capacity and 64/128/256GB internal memory. It still runs the iOS 13 operating system, but can be upgraded to the latest version of iOS 15.

In the camera sector, it has 2 types of rear cameras consisting of 12MP wide and 12MP ultra wide sensors. As for the front camera, there is a 12MP wide and SL 3D sensor embedded in the top area of the iPhone 11 front screen.

ScreenType : Liquid Retina IPS LCD, 625 nits (typical)

Size: 6.1 inches

Resolution : 828 x 1792 pixels
ChipsetApple A13 Bionic (7 nm+)
RAM/Internal4/64GB | 4/128GB | 4/256GB
OSiOS 13, upgradable to iOS 15
Rear Camera12 MP, f/1.8, 26mm (wide), 1/2.55″, 1.4µm, dual pixel PDAF, OIS

12 MP, f/2.4, 120˚, 13mm (ultrawide), 1/3.6″
Front Camera12 MP, f/2.2, 23mm (wide), 1/3.6″

SL 3D, (depth/biometrics sensor)
BatteryLi-Ion 3110 mAh, non-removable
ChargerFast charging 18 Watt, 50% in 30 menit

USB Power Delivery 2.0

Qi wireless charging
ColorBlack, Green, Yellow, Purple, Red dan White

iPhone 13 Specifications

iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11
iPhone 13 | CNET

Furthermore, the iPhone 13, this phone has a 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR OLED display screen with a resolution of 1170 x 2532. It features Scratch-resistant ceramic glass, oleophobic coating and a screen brightness of 1200 nits.

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In terms of performance, the iPhone 13 specification uses the Apple A15 Bionic Chipset with 4GB RAM capacity and 128/256/512GB internal memory. And already running the iOS 15 operating system.

It has 2 types of rear cameras consisting of 12MP wide and 12MP ultra wide sensors. Then the front camera, there is a 12MP wide and SL 3D sensor embedded in the top area of the iPhone 13 front screen.

ScreenType: Super Retina XDR OLED, HDR10, Dolby Vision, 800 nits (typ), 1200 nits

Size: 6.1 inches

Resolution: 1170 x 2532 pixels
ChipsetApple A13 Bionic (7 nm+)
RAM/Internal4/64GB | 4/128GB | 4/256GB
OSiOS 13, upgradable to iOS 15
Rear Camera12 MP, f/1.6, 26mm (wide), 1.7µm, dual pixel PDAF, sensor-shift OIS

12 MP, f/2.4, 120˚, 13mm (ultrawide)
Front Camera12 MP, f/2.2, 23mm (wide), 1/3.6″

SL 3D, (depth/biometrics sensor)
BatteryLi-Ion 3240 mAh, non-removable
ChargerFast charging 20 Watt, 50% in 30 menit

USB Power Delivery 2.0

MagSafe wireless charging 15 Watt

Qi magnetic fast wireless charging 7.5 Watt
ColorStarlight, Midnight, Blue, Pink dan Red

iPhone 11 Vs iPhone 13 Comparison

Now next we will compare between the two whether it is worth it for those of you who want to upgrade to iPhone 13.

1. Design

iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11
iPhone 13 Design|Apple

In terms of design appearance, the iPhone 13 has many differences when compared to the iPhone 11. One of the most visible is the body size, the iPhone 13 specification comes with a smaller body size of 146.7 x 71.5 x 7.7 mm. While the iPhone 11 body specifications are relatively larger 150.9 x 75.7 x 8.3 mm.

Then when it comes to weight, the iPhone 13 is arguably lighter at 174 grams while the iPhone 11 weighs 194 grams. So the iPhone 13 is easier to carry around.

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As for the colors, the iPhone 11 is available in 5 color options: black, green, yellow, purple, red and white. Then the iPhone 13 also has 5 different color options, namely Starlight, Midnight, Blue, Pink and Red.

2. Screen

iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11
iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11 Screen| Moneycontrol

The iPhone 13 screen display does look more promising starting from its Super Retina XDR OLED panel type, 1170 x 2532 pixel resolution and 800 nits screen brightness.

If we compare it with the iPhone 11 which uses a Liquid Retina IPS LCD panel type with a resolution of 828 x 1792 pixels and a screen brightness of 625. It is clear that the main difference between the two is the screen display.

Even so, you need to know that the screen size and protection type of these two iPhones remain the same. Moreover, both also still support the standard screen refresh rate of 60 Hz.

3. Camera

iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11
iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11 Camera |

The next iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11 comparison lies in the camera section. Now this is where the difference between the two is very visible where the iPhone 13 is very superior when it comes to cameras.

You see, Apple did present the iPhone 13 with significant improvements in terms of camera. So for those of you who want to upgrade to iPhone 13 because of the camera, it will be very useful. You can even make videos with Hollywood-like quality if you use the iPhone 13 camera.

The coolest new iPhone 13 camera feature is Cinematic Mode, which dynamically shifts focus and follows the subject of your video. If the subject moves, the focus will still follow the subject. Amazingly, if the person in the camera looks in another direction, the focus will move to where the person is looking.

The iPhone 13’s video quality is also much better overall as it supports Dolby Vision’s HDR feature for vibrant colours and contrast.

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4. Performance

Apple A15 Bionic
Apple A15 Bionic | Apple

One of the other advantages of the iPhone 13 specification is 5G support which is not owned on the iPhone 11. So for those of you who want to use and take advantage of the 5G Network, then it’s better to upgrade to the iPhone 13.

Even so, when it comes to performance, the two are still fairly compatible even though the iPhone 13’s Apple A15 Bionic Chipset is faster.

Apple A13 Bionic
Apple A13 Bionic | Apple

However, the Apple A13 Bionic chipset alone is powerful enough to perform many activities. Even for playing heavy games like PUBG Mobile or Genshin Impact, this Chipset is still very okay and stable.

5. Battery and Charger

Baterai dan Charger
Battery and Charger | Apple

When it comes to durability, there really isn’t a huge comparison between iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11. The battery capacity of the two is not much different starting from the iPhone 11 with a 3,110 mAh battery and the iPhone 13 with a 3,240 mAh battery.

But there are several factors that you need to consider, namely the use of 5G Network connectivity on the iPhone 13. This made it only last 10 hours and 33 minutes.

While the iPhone 11 was able to last for 11 hours and 16 minutes but on 4G Network usage.

6. Price

iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11
iPhone | PCMag

The last iPhone 13 vs iPhone 11 comparison lies in the price section which can be a deciding factor for upgrading or not.

Starting from the iPhone 13 sold at a price of IDR 11.8 million for the lowest variant with 4/128GB RAM capacity. Then the 4/256GB RAM variant is sold at a slightly higher price of IDR 12.8 million. Then the highest variant with 4/512GB RAM capacity is sold at a price of IDR 15.7 million.

While the iPhone 11 has now dropped drastically in price since the entry of the iPhone 12 and iPhone 13 into the Gadget market lineup. You can now buy the iPhone 11 at a lower price of IDR 9.9 million for the 4/64GB RAM variant. Then the 4/128GB RAM variant now sells for IDR 10.4 million and the highest variant of 4/256GB RAM now costs IDR 12.9 million.

For more information, you can just check directly on the official Apple Online Store website.

Is it Worth-it or Should I Upgrade to iPhone 13?

For those of you who use your iPhone only for Social Media, Chatting, Browsing or watching YouTube. So if you upgrade to iPhone 13 for that, it will be very useless and not really recommended.

iPhone 13
iPhone 13 | Gadgetin

But for those of you who want to use the iPhone 13 because the camera is so fantastic then an upgrade is the right choice.

Teknodaim recommends that those of you who want to upgrade from iPhone 11 to iPhone 13 should think about it first. You see, the iPhone 13 only comes with insignificant improvements except in terms of the camera.

In the sense that when it comes to Chipset performance, screen, battery and so on, it is still enough even though the prices of the two are so different.

Hopefully the discussion that Teknodaim gave you all this time can be useful. If you have any questions or other things to share, you can write them in the comment column provided.

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