How to Block WhatsApp Without Removing Profile Photos

Muhammad Hanif

Muhammad Hanif

Do you know how to block WhatsApp without removing your profile photo? Now for those who don’t know, let’s look at the following tutorial.

The WhatsApp app, also known as WA, has a feature to block contacts so that users can limit interactions with someone. When someone is blocked, WA will not send notifications to them. Do you know how to block WhatsApp without removing your profile photo? Now for those who don’t know, let’s look at the following tutorial.

However, someone who has been blocked can know that we have blocked them. There are several signs that WhatsApp has been blocked, one of which is when our profile picture can no longer be seen by the person we have blocked on WhatsApp.

Facing a situation where our WhatsApp number is blocked has the potential to be a problem. However, if the blocked number is that of a stranger, then there may not be much to worry about.

However, if we want to block a close contact or friend, we might be hesitant because they might find out about it and might feel offended.

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When at a loss, one may want to find out how to block WhatsApp without removing the profile picture, so that other contacts don’t realize that their number has been blocked. So, how do you block WhatsApp without losing your profile picture?

How to Block WhatsApp Without Removing Profile Photos

How to Block WhatsApp Without Removing Profile Photos

How to Block WhatsApp Without Removing Profile Photos

If you want to block someone on WA but still want to keep their profile picture, there are certain tricks or ways that can be done. How to block WhatsApp without losing profile photos doesn’t actually involve using the regular contact block feature.

For your information, usually to block a contact on WhatsApp, you can tap on the “Block” option found on the WhatsApp contact information page. However, if you want to block a contact without deleting their profile picture, the method is not the same.

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You can block WhatsApp but keep your profile picture by using the Archive feature. The following is an explanation of a simple and practical way to block WhatsApp but keep your profile picture using the Archive feature.

  • Select the contact to block from the chat list.
  • Long tap on the chat of the contact.
  • Select the “Archive” option.
  • Contacts and messages will be moved to the “Archive” folder.
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How to Block WhatsApp Without Removing Profile Photos

Important information, the Archive feature has a similar function to blocking a contact, which can limit someone’s interaction with us on WhatsApp. However, there are no signs that can be noticed by other contacts like when we block them.

When contacts are archived, users will not be notified when a message arrives from them. They will also not be visible in the main chat list as they have been moved to a special folder called “Archive”.

In the end, users will not experience any interruptions from messages coming from contacts. Thus, the user does not need to block the contact conventionally so as not to be disturbed by the message. With the Archive feature, we will not face the problems that arise when blocking contacts.

In this case, people we have archived in contacts or otherwise can still see our profile picture. In addition, they can also still call and message us. The messages will be marked with two ticks, indicating that the message has entered our WhatsApp.

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When someone archives a contact or ostensibly blocks them on WhatsApp, that contact will still be able to see our profile picture and contact us. However, they will not realize that they have been archived. This Archive feature can be used as a way to block someone on WhatsApp while retaining their profile picture.

That’s how to block WhatsApp without removing the profile photo. Keep following Teknodaim to get interesting information about other tips and tricks.

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